Sunday, April 27, 2008


Well, Life goes on. Travis broke up with his girlfriend. or should I say she broke up with him. I dont know how it went. But she has another boyfriend. I guess Travis has know for awhile. So when I seen her today at the local flea market. She gave me all his stuff that she had. Football jersies and such. Anyway, It is all back home where it belongs. She dont deserve it she isnt mature enough to understand that Travis needed her support. I know I sound like a angry mom well I am, I am looking at my son going to war and his girlfriends decides to get another boyfriend. I know how dare her.. okay so okay she has that right too. He made his decision to join. But he just wanted to get a education and/or skill to learn to support himself and his future.

He will be fine, probable more okay with it then I am.

He didnt say much when I talked to him today. Sounds depressed to me. But he said he was tired. That he had some kind of guard duty today.

God give me the strenghth to endure these next four yrs.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

off to Ait Training.

Well Trav is off to AIT Training. He will be there for 3 months. He has called a couple of times, but hasnt said much. Just ask for me to send him some stuff. I guess my job as a mother is over with him. He is on his way to a new life that he doesnt need me for. I raised him the best I could and he has to make his own decisions now. God be with him..

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Back from Fort Jackson

Well, we are back from Fort Jackson. It was an experience. The driving down there is crazy. Guess that is what I get for being from a small town. Anyway. Travis looked great. Seemed a little nervous, but after being couped up in boot camp, I guess that is a little expected. He was great though. I am so proud of him. He did good getting through basics. He worked real hard at it.

Family day was interesting to say the least. It was so crowded, so many parents and family's. But We enjoyed the time with Travis, had a picnic as the restaurants was crowded. So we just bought bread and lunch meat and chips and went to the park one day. Then had dinner at the officers club in the evening for Family day. We got to talk to the Drill sergeants at the dinner. He said Travis was useless until the last two weeks, and that he thought he would make a good drill sergeant. But I thought he did good. . He wouldn't hardly let me take pictures of him. The army brat. They say it changes their attitude, well he has the same attitude, just with a bigger head.
He did good getting through basics. He worked real hard at it. He got into trouble because he got back late, I am sure that I let him off early, I think he had me drop him off early so he could hang around some of the guys, and then didn't get back when he was suppose too.

The graduation was awesome, it was real impressive to see all those soldiers (1200) standing at attention and marching. I see how the drill sergeants have to be so strict, having so many young ones to keep control of. One bad apples can influence a lot of them to get into trouble or cause total mayhem. I ordered the basic training and graduation dvd. They are not as impressive as they seemed. Travis is in them a couple of times though. Then we took Trav to Golden Corrall and to the mall area after graduation. Or I guess I should say he took us, because he insisted on paying for it. He is proud of that paycheck. That is what will keep him going, I am sure, he likes the money. Trav gave me a shirt that says My son defends the freedom in the US army. And I got me a shirt that say Proud Mom of a soldier.

the lady at the hotel told me that I had a awful act scent that she couldn't hardly understand what I was saying. I ask her for wash rags and she had no clue what I was asking for, then it took me a minute to realize why she couldn't understand me and then I ask for wash clothes and she got it. Funny I thought she was the one with the act scent.

The next time I have to travel that far though I will take someone that can help me drive. It was really tiring doing all the driving. His dad says he is going for his AIT graduation, so Bob had better get used to the ideal that we are traveling together. Warren can drive in the big cities better then me. And Bob can't even drive interstate let alone big city. I can do it, but it makes me so nervous and I get in the wrong lane and dont have time to get over then pass up the exits and have to turn around. It is a mess. But I did it.

Time in the sand