Well as soon as his sargeant gets back off of leave, he said he is going to put in for leave in October... so we will see how it works.... I saved the money for his plane ticket... He finally told me that he hasnt came home cause he was afraid to ask for leave and not have the money to buy a plane ticket. So I told him to ask for leave and I would make sure he got to come home..
He still isnt calling much. Lost his phone last month, so I sent him a new one... so he is keeping in contact a little better....
I miss him though.... He has been callling the girl around th blovk, I like her,,,, I know he does too, but she dont like him thaqt way.....
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Hi, fort hood
Well he ended up in fort hood... He doesnt call much at all anymore... He was wanting to come home in august but didnt get to.. but I havent heard from him in over a month or more..
I guess he is busy and I know he is missing home so it is probable easier not to talk to no one. Cause he isnt calling his dad neither. nor his sister called him one day and he told her he was working nights, not to call him in the dayh because he is sleeping, and working at night..The last I knew he was getting deployed in March but didnt know to where.... we will see. Seems as when it comes to the army you dont know nothing until the last minute... he will have been in there for a yr. in january, four more months... time is flying by.. I mess him... he went and grew up and dont need mom no more... I worry alot. I know hen I got his band statement he had bounced some checks, so I know he doesnt have any money... I dont know what he is doing with his money. At least IKnow the army is giving him food and a place to sleep.... I still worry... other then that not much going on. I am trying to save some money so that when he does get to come home he will be able to as I dont think he will have the money to fly home, they have to pay for their own ticket.... always something
I guess he is busy and I know he is missing home so it is probable easier not to talk to no one. Cause he isnt calling his dad neither. nor his sister called him one day and he told her he was working nights, not to call him in the dayh because he is sleeping, and working at night..The last I knew he was getting deployed in March but didnt know to where.... we will see. Seems as when it comes to the army you dont know nothing until the last minute... he will have been in there for a yr. in january, four more months... time is flying by.. I mess him... he went and grew up and dont need mom no more... I worry alot. I know hen I got his band statement he had bounced some checks, so I know he doesnt have any money... I dont know what he is doing with his money. At least IKnow the army is giving him food and a place to sleep.... I still worry... other then that not much going on. I am trying to save some money so that when he does get to come home he will be able to as I dont think he will have the money to fly home, they have to pay for their own ticket.... always something
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Been awhle
Well it has been awhile.The computer crashed and I had to order another one. i really didnt need that expense, but oh well one of those things.
Well Travis graduated his ait training. He did good. Then he had to wait a couple of weeks and went to airborne and failed his pt test. So he is now waiting on orders to go to where ever they will send him next. He doesnt call much anymore. Once in a great while. He thought he might get home inAugust. Said he had to wait until he got his orders to go wherever and then he would have to request time to come home... I figure one of these days he will show up on my doorstep....
I started a job to help with the some spare money and to keep busy... It is housekeeping in a motel, not much but keeps me busy without putting more stress on me. I like it so far, even though my husband isnt liking it at all.
Well it is late. I will try to update more often.....
Well Travis graduated his ait training. He did good. Then he had to wait a couple of weeks and went to airborne and failed his pt test. So he is now waiting on orders to go to where ever they will send him next. He doesnt call much anymore. Once in a great while. He thought he might get home inAugust. Said he had to wait until he got his orders to go wherever and then he would have to request time to come home... I figure one of these days he will show up on my doorstep....
I started a job to help with the some spare money and to keep busy... It is housekeeping in a motel, not much but keeps me busy without putting more stress on me. I like it so far, even though my husband isnt liking it at all.
Well it is late. I will try to update more often.....
Friday, May 23, 2008
A day of rambling as a army mom...
Well I was reading your lists of care packages and I remember Travis telling me that he could have care packages. But later when I asked him what he needed he would say nothing..... Do you think I should send him something,,,, HMMMM I think I will start my own lists... with your help of ideals..... I worry so much that I will send something that they are not allowed to have..
How do you all know what they are not allowed to have....I mean common sense stuff I know. But I seem to think that I said something... Oh yeah I asked him if he wanted me to send him some brownies and he said they wasnt allowed to have them... Why???
I am just trying to think ahead of myself again, ain't I ( there is that accent again).... I just trying to be prepared...
He called this evening too. Said they just got off maneuvers and he had slept all day.. Wanted me to access his band account and see if I could balance it... Like get real son I dont know where or how much you have outstanding.... I think I need to call his sargeant and have him give him a lesson in bank register.. He is using that atm debit card like a credit card with no ending balance... anyway his statement doesnt show no bounced checks this month... I tried ladies I really did to get him to open an account a few yrs back so I could help him learn to balance it and he wouldnt listen to me... wanted nothing at all to do with a checking account..... now he is out there where I cant help much and learning it the hard way... I guess you learn life either the easy way or the hard way dont you..
anyway I am rambling again. sorry, you guys help me to keep things straight in my head though....God bless you all....
How do you all know what they are not allowed to have....I mean common sense stuff I know. But I seem to think that I said something... Oh yeah I asked him if he wanted me to send him some brownies and he said they wasnt allowed to have them... Why???
I am just trying to think ahead of myself again, ain't I ( there is that accent again).... I just trying to be prepared...
He called this evening too. Said they just got off maneuvers and he had slept all day.. Wanted me to access his band account and see if I could balance it... Like get real son I dont know where or how much you have outstanding.... I think I need to call his sargeant and have him give him a lesson in bank register.. He is using that atm debit card like a credit card with no ending balance... anyway his statement doesnt show no bounced checks this month... I tried ladies I really did to get him to open an account a few yrs back so I could help him learn to balance it and he wouldnt listen to me... wanted nothing at all to do with a checking account..... now he is out there where I cant help much and learning it the hard way... I guess you learn life either the easy way or the hard way dont you..
anyway I am rambling again. sorry, you guys help me to keep things straight in my head though....God bless you all....
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
four more weeks---AIT
Well Trav has four more weeks of training at his AIT base. I have heard so many stories of his training. People have told me that he is a glorified Gas pumper, a truck driver, and nothing but a target for the opposition.. yeah that was a nice one. That he would be driving gas trucks around iraq.
But he tells me that that his training consist of him learning about pipe lines and how refineries work. I dont understand how that is going to help him if he is deployed to Iraq. But the army knows what it is doing right.....
Anyhow he hasnt told me that he is deployed. But he told me that his unit that he is to go to after his Ait and airborne training is deployed. So I assume that that is basically the same thing.
Travis is doing fine but I am not so sure about mom. He got him a computer and internet. So I can usually catch him every evening.. Sometimes he doesnt talk to me, but I see that he is on and that keeps me calm, knowing that he is here. I know I am having a awful time with this. But Travis has always been there. Over the last few years I have let him make his own decisions and he has done what he wanted but i always made him keep me informed as what was going on. other then that he was in and out so I knew he was okay. I think I am the one having a hard time.... I just feel so lost. I dont know from one minute to the next where he is at and what he is doing. He does talk to me now and then but not like he did when he was home. I guess he is growing up and dont need mom as much but darn it. The war thing and the state of the world and him joining the service is what keeps me stirred up. This is so hard...
God help me get threw this and God please protect my son.
But he tells me that that his training consist of him learning about pipe lines and how refineries work. I dont understand how that is going to help him if he is deployed to Iraq. But the army knows what it is doing right.....
Anyhow he hasnt told me that he is deployed. But he told me that his unit that he is to go to after his Ait and airborne training is deployed. So I assume that that is basically the same thing.
Travis is doing fine but I am not so sure about mom. He got him a computer and internet. So I can usually catch him every evening.. Sometimes he doesnt talk to me, but I see that he is on and that keeps me calm, knowing that he is here. I know I am having a awful time with this. But Travis has always been there. Over the last few years I have let him make his own decisions and he has done what he wanted but i always made him keep me informed as what was going on. other then that he was in and out so I knew he was okay. I think I am the one having a hard time.... I just feel so lost. I dont know from one minute to the next where he is at and what he is doing. He does talk to me now and then but not like he did when he was home. I guess he is growing up and dont need mom as much but darn it. The war thing and the state of the world and him joining the service is what keeps me stirred up. This is so hard...
God help me get threw this and God please protect my son.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
May already!!!
Well it is May already. Seems as if time is flying. I wish it would just stop so I can keep my children safe, it would sure help my sanity. Trav only has 5 more weeks of Ait training and off to airborne.
Wow!!! my son jumping out of airplanes. He wants to. Scares me, but I tried to teach him to face his fears. Now I have to face mine, that I am scared to death. I know someday he will till me that he is going to Iraq, Afghanistan , or some other unsafe place. And I have to learn to live with that. I know I cannot let this get the best of me or I will lose it and then I will be of no help to him if he needs me. And really there is not a whole lot I can do. He is paving his rode.
I enrolled in a couple of classes for fall, I figure that will keep me busy. And I will still have summer to enjoy. Trav should be home late July, maybe August or September. He isnt sure how long his airborne training will be. His contract says three weeks, so we will see. My daughter will graduate high school the end of this month. I dont know if she has decided to go in the army or not. I dont figure she will, he dad dont want her too and she usually listens to him. But that is another story that I dont want to go into today.
I have looked at some blogs of soldiers, somewhere I feel the need to go there, but when I go there it makes me depressed and scares me. I know I need to get prepared and to learn how it all works. That is hard for me.
How will I keep track of him? Can he blog, my space me, email me, or will I hear nothing for months on end? How do I know when someone is killed or hurt. I read of mothers hearing of deaths or injuries and wondering who? Messing phone calls because I cant get a signal on my cell. Our town has such poor reception, I cant get a signal at all in the house. We do still have a land phone though.
God give me the courage and wisdom to change what I can and to know what I cant change.
I could really use a friend..
Wow!!! my son jumping out of airplanes. He wants to. Scares me, but I tried to teach him to face his fears. Now I have to face mine, that I am scared to death. I know someday he will till me that he is going to Iraq, Afghanistan , or some other unsafe place. And I have to learn to live with that. I know I cannot let this get the best of me or I will lose it and then I will be of no help to him if he needs me. And really there is not a whole lot I can do. He is paving his rode.
I enrolled in a couple of classes for fall, I figure that will keep me busy. And I will still have summer to enjoy. Trav should be home late July, maybe August or September. He isnt sure how long his airborne training will be. His contract says three weeks, so we will see. My daughter will graduate high school the end of this month. I dont know if she has decided to go in the army or not. I dont figure she will, he dad dont want her too and she usually listens to him. But that is another story that I dont want to go into today.
I have looked at some blogs of soldiers, somewhere I feel the need to go there, but when I go there it makes me depressed and scares me. I know I need to get prepared and to learn how it all works. That is hard for me.
How will I keep track of him? Can he blog, my space me, email me, or will I hear nothing for months on end? How do I know when someone is killed or hurt. I read of mothers hearing of deaths or injuries and wondering who? Messing phone calls because I cant get a signal on my cell. Our town has such poor reception, I cant get a signal at all in the house. We do still have a land phone though.
God give me the courage and wisdom to change what I can and to know what I cant change.
I could really use a friend..
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Well, Life goes on. Travis broke up with his girlfriend. or should I say she broke up with him. I dont know how it went. But she has another boyfriend. I guess Travis has know for awhile. So when I seen her today at the local flea market. She gave me all his stuff that she had. Football jersies and such. Anyway, It is all back home where it belongs. She dont deserve it she isnt mature enough to understand that Travis needed her support. I know I sound like a angry mom well I am, I am looking at my son going to war and his girlfriends decides to get another boyfriend. I know how dare her.. okay so okay she has that right too. He made his decision to join. But he just wanted to get a education and/or skill to learn to support himself and his future.
He will be fine, probable more okay with it then I am.
He didnt say much when I talked to him today. Sounds depressed to me. But he said he was tired. That he had some kind of guard duty today.
God give me the strenghth to endure these next four yrs.
He will be fine, probable more okay with it then I am.
He didnt say much when I talked to him today. Sounds depressed to me. But he said he was tired. That he had some kind of guard duty today.
God give me the strenghth to endure these next four yrs.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
off to Ait Training.
Well Trav is off to AIT Training. He will be there for 3 months. He has called a couple of times, but hasnt said much. Just ask for me to send him some stuff. I guess my job as a mother is over with him. He is on his way to a new life that he doesnt need me for. I raised him the best I could and he has to make his own decisions now. God be with him..
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Back from Fort Jackson
Well, we are back from Fort Jackson. It was an experience. The driving down there is crazy. Guess that is what I get for being from a small town. Anyway. Travis looked great. Seemed a little nervous, but after being couped up in boot camp, I guess that is a little expected. He was great though. I am so proud of him. He did good getting through basics. He worked real hard at it.
Family day was interesting to say the least. It was so crowded, so many parents and family's. But We enjoyed the time with Travis, had a picnic as the restaurants was crowded. So we just bought bread and lunch meat and chips and went to the park one day. Then had dinner at the officers club in the evening for Family day. We got to talk to the Drill sergeants at the dinner. He said Travis was useless until the last two weeks, and that he thought he would make a good drill sergeant. But I thought he did good. . He wouldn't hardly let me take pictures of him. The army brat. They say it changes their attitude, well he has the same attitude, just with a bigger head.
He did good getting through basics. He worked real hard at it. He got into trouble because he got back late, I am sure that I let him off early, I think he had me drop him off early so he could hang around some of the guys, and then didn't get back when he was suppose too.
The graduation was awesome, it was real impressive to see all those soldiers (1200) standing at attention and marching. I see how the drill sergeants have to be so strict, having so many young ones to keep control of. One bad apples can influence a lot of them to get into trouble or cause total mayhem. I ordered the basic training and graduation dvd. They are not as impressive as they seemed. Travis is in them a couple of times though. Then we took Trav to Golden Corrall and to the mall area after graduation. Or I guess I should say he took us, because he insisted on paying for it. He is proud of that paycheck. That is what will keep him going, I am sure, he likes the money. Trav gave me a shirt that says My son defends the freedom in the US army. And I got me a shirt that say Proud Mom of a soldier.
the lady at the hotel told me that I had a awful act scent that she couldn't hardly understand what I was saying. I ask her for wash rags and she had no clue what I was asking for, then it took me a minute to realize why she couldn't understand me and then I ask for wash clothes and she got it. Funny I thought she was the one with the act scent.
The next time I have to travel that far though I will take someone that can help me drive. It was really tiring doing all the driving. His dad says he is going for his AIT graduation, so Bob had better get used to the ideal that we are traveling together. Warren can drive in the big cities better then me. And Bob can't even drive interstate let alone big city. I can do it, but it makes me so nervous and I get in the wrong lane and dont have time to get over then pass up the exits and have to turn around. It is a mess. But I did it.
Family day was interesting to say the least. It was so crowded, so many parents and family's. But We enjoyed the time with Travis, had a picnic as the restaurants was crowded. So we just bought bread and lunch meat and chips and went to the park one day. Then had dinner at the officers club in the evening for Family day. We got to talk to the Drill sergeants at the dinner. He said Travis was useless until the last two weeks, and that he thought he would make a good drill sergeant. But I thought he did good. . He wouldn't hardly let me take pictures of him. The army brat. They say it changes their attitude, well he has the same attitude, just with a bigger head.
He did good getting through basics. He worked real hard at it. He got into trouble because he got back late, I am sure that I let him off early, I think he had me drop him off early so he could hang around some of the guys, and then didn't get back when he was suppose too.
The graduation was awesome, it was real impressive to see all those soldiers (1200) standing at attention and marching. I see how the drill sergeants have to be so strict, having so many young ones to keep control of. One bad apples can influence a lot of them to get into trouble or cause total mayhem. I ordered the basic training and graduation dvd. They are not as impressive as they seemed. Travis is in them a couple of times though. Then we took Trav to Golden Corrall and to the mall area after graduation. Or I guess I should say he took us, because he insisted on paying for it. He is proud of that paycheck. That is what will keep him going, I am sure, he likes the money. Trav gave me a shirt that says My son defends the freedom in the US army. And I got me a shirt that say Proud Mom of a soldier.
the lady at the hotel told me that I had a awful act scent that she couldn't hardly understand what I was saying. I ask her for wash rags and she had no clue what I was asking for, then it took me a minute to realize why she couldn't understand me and then I ask for wash clothes and she got it. Funny I thought she was the one with the act scent.
The next time I have to travel that far though I will take someone that can help me drive. It was really tiring doing all the driving. His dad says he is going for his AIT graduation, so Bob had better get used to the ideal that we are traveling together. Warren can drive in the big cities better then me. And Bob can't even drive interstate let alone big city. I can do it, but it makes me so nervous and I get in the wrong lane and dont have time to get over then pass up the exits and have to turn around. It is a mess. But I did it.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
How does everyone do it?
i went to the local coffee shop this morning. don't usually go there for mornings, but have been couped up to many days and needed somebody to talk to. Well the usually gossip going on, then they got on the subject of Hilliary, obama, and mccain. Political views. then they started the war stuff.. I hate it. I know people have the right to their own opinion, but some of it I just don't want to hear. It isn't that I don't know what is happening. I just cant take listening to them talk about the boys being killed and going on about how they need to be brought home. I know they all noticed it was upsetting me and they changed the subject and I know it is unspoken word here too. And I know my son is just now graduating boot camp. I just don't know how I am going to do it if he gets sent somewhere like Iraq or Afganasten . I already just want to cry every time someone mentions the war.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Hotel reservations made.
okay so i started calling this morning again. But this time I searched on the internet for more a commendations, thinking well even if we have to go a little further out away from base as long as it wasn't to far, it would be okay.. I found some rooms at Days Inn. Not my choice of hotels but they say they are clean. So I called Laquita and told them I was canceling my reservations because we needed more beds. They then informed me I could have a room with two queen size beds for the same prize. That they was sorry that the travel agency had told me that we couldn't have more beds and that it was not a problem.. so hotel rooms are a go. Money for gas is a go. Everyone Pray for the gas not to get to high..
And my aunt is going with me who is going to pay half the motel. That will save us some money. She is always my god sent angel to help me out..
I am frying chicken Monday the 24 to take with us. And going to fill the cooler with water and pop. And will pick up some snacks for the ride. Breakfast is free with motel room so that is a plus. So everyone has to pay for there own meals. I am telling my daughters dad that he needs to give my daughter a few dollars to help with her.
My husband thinks he is going to starve if he don't eat out three times a day when he travels. And we cant afford that. God I hope he doesn't ruin this trip. Everyone pray that he will behave himself. I have told him two or three times if he is going to show his caboose to stay at home. And told him the game plan so that their are no surprises.
Dog is going to either a friends house or my brothers.
I want to pack light as I am a over packer. Three outfits and one dress outfit,And driving clothes that I will leave in. two pair of show.Makeup and toiletry items. That should be enough for a five day trip. . have a list of stuff.
binoculars----have to borrow off someone.
Am I forgetting anything?
And my aunt is going with me who is going to pay half the motel. That will save us some money. She is always my god sent angel to help me out..
I am frying chicken Monday the 24 to take with us. And going to fill the cooler with water and pop. And will pick up some snacks for the ride. Breakfast is free with motel room so that is a plus. So everyone has to pay for there own meals. I am telling my daughters dad that he needs to give my daughter a few dollars to help with her.
My husband thinks he is going to starve if he don't eat out three times a day when he travels. And we cant afford that. God I hope he doesn't ruin this trip. Everyone pray that he will behave himself. I have told him two or three times if he is going to show his caboose to stay at home. And told him the game plan so that their are no surprises.
Dog is going to either a friends house or my brothers.
I want to pack light as I am a over packer. Three outfits and one dress outfit,And driving clothes that I will leave in. two pair of show.Makeup and toiletry items. That should be enough for a five day trip. . have a list of stuff.
binoculars----have to borrow off someone.
Am I forgetting anything?
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Graduation plans/ weather/ clothes/ time zone/
What to wear to graduation/
What is the weather like in SC? anybody know?
What is the time zone in SC?
I know I need to go to sleep, okay so I am going to take something to help me sleep. my mind wont staop making and figuring out plans for the trip. I can wear a casual dress or jeans/ or my tan pants. I am trying to figure out the time zone but havent found it yet. What is the weather like down there.
I am having a hard time sleeping I will probble have to take a zanaz to sleep. I hate taking any pills to sleep because I will be groggy the next day but I can see If I dont take something I will be in for a all nighter. So okay go take one and stop typing...
What is the weather like in SC? anybody know?
What is the time zone in SC?
I know I need to go to sleep, okay so I am going to take something to help me sleep. my mind wont staop making and figuring out plans for the trip. I can wear a casual dress or jeans/ or my tan pants. I am trying to figure out the time zone but havent found it yet. What is the weather like down there.
I am having a hard time sleeping I will probble have to take a zanaz to sleep. I hate taking any pills to sleep because I will be groggy the next day but I can see If I dont take something I will be in for a all nighter. So okay go take one and stop typing...
Saturday, March 8, 2008
graduation plans
I just thought I would drop a line and tell you that so far Trav is doing okay from what I can tell in his recent letter, tired, but doing okay. He is writing so little though. I had to get a magnifine glass to read it. I always thought that writing little was a self esteem issue and that concerns me. But his spelling is getting better. I don't understand that as Travis always spelled things as they sounded and as much as me and the teachers tried to help with that we couldn't seem to overcome it. So I learned to let it goes as i figured at least he could read and with computers to correct his spelling nowadays. hey whats normal... But anyhow he is doing great in basics. Said he passed everything on his PT test but the push ups, so he has to do 100 push ups every night. I bet he is sore as all get out, but building muscle.. He said the got their dress clothes and his was already to big, so the DS told him to wait until closer to graduation and have it resized. I am sure that happens to a lot of them so they are used to it. But makes me want to see him more. I can just imagine, he went in like 40 pounds overweight. So I bet the whipped him into shape..
Seem to be enjoying learning stuff, but was tired which is to be expected.. But it looks as if he is going to make it fine. I don't know whether to be happy about that or sad. I always want me kids to do their best, but I am so scared about the army/ war thing.
on the other foot, we made hotel for graduation, and I have the money for gas saved and hide, heed well you know. I don't know how my husband is going to take the hotel thing when he has to give them his credit card though. He is now saying okay but only because I told him I was going with or without him. And I am sure when he has to hand that credit card over he will not be a happy camper. I have to tell him before we go that he cannot throw any of his fits on this trip or he cant go too. It is Trav's two days not his. . Well sorry so long. I guess I really need to start a blog or something... hugs to everyone.
Seem to be enjoying learning stuff, but was tired which is to be expected.. But it looks as if he is going to make it fine. I don't know whether to be happy about that or sad. I always want me kids to do their best, but I am so scared about the army/ war thing.
on the other foot, we made hotel for graduation, and I have the money for gas saved and hide, heed well you know. I don't know how my husband is going to take the hotel thing when he has to give them his credit card though. He is now saying okay but only because I told him I was going with or without him. And I am sure when he has to hand that credit card over he will not be a happy camper. I have to tell him before we go that he cannot throw any of his fits on this trip or he cant go too. It is Trav's two days not his. . Well sorry so long. I guess I really need to start a blog or something... hugs to everyone.
New blog
Well this is my first blog. So let me tell you about me and my family. I was born in Indiana, raised in Illinois cornfields. My parents were divorced and I was raised by my step-father and my mother. They did the best they could. Why am I here, well somewhere to vent and complain I reckon. I have come a long way in this old world. I enjoy life and want to take it as far as I can. I am 43 yrs old, married, and have two kids from a previous relationship. Who I adore. the kids, not the previous relationship. I guess everyone at my age has a little baggage don't they. My first and only marriage is the one I am in now, we have been married for two yrs. but together for eight. If I can make it through this marriage I can do anything. I live in a small town and yes the song is right. Everyone dies famous in a small town.
My reason for this blog is that my son joined the army and I figure I need something to do with my thoughts and feelings so guess what........... the world gets to read them.

Trav will be graduating at the end of this month. I am proud of him. He has worked hard to get in the army and to stay in. He had a difficult time with losing enough weight to get in. But he done it and went through boot camp too. He never did lose enough to get in by being the right weight. Then they tried the tape thing and he lost seven pounds in two weeks, but gained an inch. So the recruiter decided he would probable never be under weight or under tape as he is a big man. so he did the arms test twice and passed it both times. So they let him in and he has worked hard to pass all his test. But he done it so here I am . An Army mom. never thought I would be saying that. Travis always talked army when he was little, but most boys do. I thought he would out grow it but he never did. So here we are. Joining the Army. Army airborne . Graduating in March 2008.
My reason for this blog is that my son joined the army and I figure I need something to do with my thoughts and feelings so guess what........... the world gets to read them.
Well my son joined the army a few months ago. He will graduate from basic training or boot camp whichever you want to call it, in a couple of weeks. I am excited to see him but realize at the same time he is one step closer to being sent somewhere dangerous. I realize that the war has nothing to do with him joining the army. He has been army bound ever since his five uncles used to dress in camouflage to go out on the town when he was about four. He thought they all was so neat and had to have clothes like them. So he did what none of them could ever do, join the army.. but he seems to like it. I guess if you can like boot camp then you will really like the army life so I reckon I have to learn to live with it too. Don't make since to me but it his his life. I just want to support him in what ever he does... as long as he is happy....

Trav will be graduating at the end of this month. I am proud of him. He has worked hard to get in the army and to stay in. He had a difficult time with losing enough weight to get in. But he done it and went through boot camp too. He never did lose enough to get in by being the right weight. Then they tried the tape thing and he lost seven pounds in two weeks, but gained an inch. So the recruiter decided he would probable never be under weight or under tape as he is a big man. so he did the arms test twice and passed it both times. So they let him in and he has worked hard to pass all his test. But he done it so here I am . An Army mom. never thought I would be saying that. Travis always talked army when he was little, but most boys do. I thought he would out grow it but he never did. So here we are. Joining the Army. Army airborne . Graduating in March 2008.
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